Thursday, September 23, 2010


Dear Incoming Comets,
I can not wait for you to be at OU. Do not get to nervous or overwhelmed. Make sure you relax when you can. College starts out fast and busy and never slows down. There is always something to do or something that needs to be done. Make sure you stay on top of your schedule and get stuff done when you can and when it needs to be done. Keep a schedule and study when ever you have time. Class is hard, but its nothing you cant handle if you work hard. Do NOT try and cram all your studying into one night for you big chemistry test, it doesn't work. I also encourage you to get involved on campus whether it be in a sorority, sport, or a student leadership position. OU offers so much to do and really can help you get out there and meet new people. College is different without your parents telling you everything you have to do so stay on top of things and do not get to crazy. And the food is great, I love the cafe. The rooms are small so do not try and bring you whole closet with you like i did. It is not working out. Good luck and I can not wait to see you at OU!
                                                                   Love, Mandy!

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