Monday, October 11, 2010

Problem Solving Strengths

My top five STRENGTHS are Learner, Context, Arranger, Harmony, and Restorative. The strengths I have that can help me solve problems are Harmony, Restorative, and Arranger. Harmony helps me SOLVE problems because I hate fights and I believe in order to help solve a problem you need to be able to work together and figure out what is wrong. Thats were Harmony helps. Being Restorative helps me solve problems by finding out what the problem is, why it started, how it started and how to sole it. Lastly my strength of being Restorative helps solve problems because i am ORGANIZED and know what is going on most of the time. Being a learner helps and hurts problem solving. I love sitting back and watching what to do and LISTENING to other people, which hurts because most of the time I know the answer or a resolution and I do not say it. It is hard for me to hear other people argue or seeing them really disorganized, and it is also hard for me to be with someone who does not listen to everyone else's ideas.

1 comment:

  1. My hope for you this freshman year is for you to try out letting others hear your resolution and/or solution. Leaders like you need to be heard...and I know folks would listen.

    Fights are no good - but conflict is part of life. Now how we go about conflict is the key.

    Try out that sweet voice of yours in the next situation.
