Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Attitude plays a huge role in completing any kind of task. If you do not have a positive, hardworking and can do attitude while working then the group will have a hard time getting things done! It only takes one person's bad attitude to bring a group down, and then it will seem like the task is that much harder to grasp.

My mom has always had a great attitude. She is always so encouraging and has always pushed me to strive that much further. I have never seen my mom quit on something or say she can not do it. She always strives to do better and that is through her attitude that she has achieved so much.

"Our attitudes are our most important assets" is a great quote. Our attitude is the base of everything we do. We can decide how we want things to go or end based on our attitude. I believe some one with a great attitude can make a situation better.

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