Monday, November 15, 2010


The five areas in my life that I believe lack discipline is my ability to procrastinate and not work on things when I have lots of time, I usually wait till the end. I also lack discipline when it comes to someone telling me no, I hate when someone tells me I cannot do something. I always prove them wrong. The third way is probably time. I always hit snooze three or four times, or when I say I will get up early and do something I always end up putting it off until later and sleeping. I also lack disability in saying no to other people, when someone says the need help or they need something I go out of my way to do help at all costs, even if they do not deserve it. The fifth place I lack discipline is probably gossip, I do not usually get caught up or even gossip, but I want to know whats going out and what things are happening when i probably should not care. I believe my mom has a great deal of discipline, actually I believe most do. I say this because moms typically keep the family running and the household together. With all the cleaning, laundry, errands, cooking and raising us my mom had to discipline herself with her time and with wants. I believe I am accountable to my parents and my teacher and my roommates. I also believe they are accountable for me too.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I am at my best when I feel confident in myself and have support from others..
I will try to prevent times when I am confused and have no idea what the right thing is..
I will enjoy my work by finding employment where I can I love helping others and making someone else's day better..
I will find enjoyment in my personal life through I love to embrace opportunities and be adventurous..
I will find opportunities to use my natural talents and gifts such as Being a friend, patience, athletics, listening, .
I can do anything I set my mind to. I will choose to be an inventor and make every day tasks more efficient .
My life's journey is to save the world. I would end hungry and make sure kids have the chance to grow up and be educated so they can provide for themselves. My journey has a positive result. .
I will be a person who My Family and closet friends will be at my 80th birthday and I hope they would say that I have worked hard for everything and have accomplished many tasks and inspired them to do also. .
My most important future contribution to others will be Experience and advice. .

I will stop procrastinating and start working on:

  • Say how I feel and be more task oriented.

I will strive to incorporate the following attributes into my life:
  • Faith
  • Drive
  • Hardwork

I will constantly renew myself by focusing on the four dimensions of my life:
  • Eat right, Exercise, Sleep
  • Continuing to go to church and discover my path.
  • Push myself in my classes to learn the most I can, and apply it.
  • Meet new people, branch out. Be myself.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I believe I am living the OU mission statement because I am learning a lot through different activities and have been provide excellent teachers who have helped me grow educational wise already. I do believe OU is living up to their mission statement, but I also thing there is always room for improvement. I do have a teacher who I can not understand and has not helped very much at all. I believe that is the only thing that has effected me. I do believe we could have more creative ways of teaching and learning, but not something that has effected my time at OU.

Monday, November 1, 2010


The first person I would put on my board of advisors would be my mom and as we talked about not because she is my mom, but because out of anyone I know she will tell me what I need to hear. My mom has always been there for me and has been my own cheering section for everything I have ever done, but she is not scared to tell me what I need to hear.

The second person on my board of advisors would be my dad. My dad is my hardest critic and will tell me good job, but then will tell me ways to improve or what i should have done differently. From my dad being this way it has pushed me to work harder.

My little sister would be the third person on my board of advisors. She is my go to person when I need a change of attitude and she makes everything fun. She gives me advice with not even knowing and she will tell me straight up when I need to change my attitude or approach towards something.

My fourth person would probably be one of my soccer coaches. Although we never really got along, but he knew I was a huge asset to the team, he would be fake toward me. I know this sounds weird but he is on my board of advisors because his negativity and attitude towards me taught me so many lessons. He has in a weird way brought the best person out of me because I know how I do not want to act.

My last person on my board of advisors is my best friend Caren. She knows me better than anyone and can read my like a book whether something is good or bad. She tells me when I am wrong, and she tells me when I am making a bad move about something. Each person on my board of advisors has helped me or changed me in some way and they are all very different.